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| School Year | The School Year and First Date of Attendance for the School Year is Required | School Year |
| First Date of Attendance
2025 - 2026 School Year |
| Exemption Type | A Physician's Letter Stating the Medical Reason is Required for a Medical Exemption | Exemption Type and Attachment |
| If Exemption Type is Medical, You May Attach a Physician's Letter Stating the Medical Reason here,
Or You May Include the Letter With Your Completed, Signed, and Notarized Form that You Return. | Student Information | The Student Information is Required | Student Name
| Address 1 |
| Address 2 |
| State, County City, ZIP |
| | Phone Number |
| E-Mail Address |
* | Date of Birth |
| Gender |
A value for Gender is required.
| Race(s) |
| Ethnicity |
A value for Ethnicity is required.
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| Parent or Guardian Information | The Parent / Guardian Information is Required for Students Under 18 Years of Age |
| Parent or Guardian Name and Address |
| | Phone Number |
| E-Mail Address |
* | Childcare or School Information | Required for Childcare/School Students Only | Public / Private |
| Type of School |
| School District |
| School |
| School Grade |
| College or University Information | Required for College/University Students Only. Exemption Available for MMR Only. | College or University |
| Statement of Refusal to Vaccinate | View and Check the Box to Acknowledge the Vaccine Information for the Vaccine(s) that you DO NOT want the Student to Receive |  | |  |
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| By checking the box below, I am requesting an exemption from this vaccine. | | I have read the Vaccine Information Statement and understand by not receiving the MMR vaccine, the student listed here is at risk of a rash, fever, cough, diarrhea, muscle aches, ear infections, pneumonia, headaches, seizures, meningitis, brain infections, inflammation of the testicles and ovaries, sterility, arthritis, inflammation of the pancreas, permanent deafness, brain damage, and death. Birth defects if acquired while pregnant include deafness, cataracts, heart defects, mental retardation, and liver and spleen damage in the baby. |
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| By checking the box below, I am requesting an exemption from this vaccine. | | I have read the Vaccine Information Statement and understand by not receiving the DTaP vaccine, the student listed here is at risk of a sore throat, fever, heart complications, feeding problems, paraalysis, whooping cough, respiratory complications, coma, and death. |
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